
Saturday, February 2, 2013

The End of the Beginning.

Diving straight into the New Year there was a lot going for myself.
I had a month of high school left.
College Projects to finish.
Jobs to search for.
Homework to complete.
Hours of lost sleep.
Early Mornings & Late Nights.
New Emotions.
But, mostly looking upon to the future.

My inspiration for my FIT entrance project - Colette Green

All my life I have been in the same schedule of waking up at 6:30, going
to school by 8:30 & out of school by 3:30. Homework, Eat, Sleep & Repeat.
As much as I hated this repetitive schedule, I got used to it; it didn't
really seem to bother me. But, I knew that one day I would be able to live
the life I dreamed of during long school days. 
I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to finish a semester
early since the whole high school environment bothered me.
As timed flied I had so much on my plate, I had feelings
I had never had before and things to accomplish under pressure.
But, in all things I realized why I felt like this & admired how
far I have come and with a good deal of hard work - I could change
what I didn't like. 

College Project for Fashion Institute of Technology 

Peplum Top with Pink Pants - Colette Green
With coordinating fabric swatches

Peplum Top, Mint Pink Jacket & Mini Skirt with Cover - Colette Green
With coordinating fabric swatches

But, as of January 30th I'm official complete with high school.
Even though I am finished I can still go back for senior activities, prom &
graduation (just complete with school work). It's so weird that all this
time I have been working up to this moment and it had arrived.
I feel grown.
I feel free.
I mostly feel I can be me.

Please enjoy Nicki
Song truly speaks for completion my of high school.

Also since the start of January I have been on the hunt for jobs.
To pay for college, prom & anything I ever want.
From Claire's to Justice. I got an e-mail back from
I went in to talk to them about working there and they said just look
out for any e-mail. The next thing I know, I'm invited to the hiring party.
Which was probably the time of my life - I learned how to be a Lushie.
From massaging customers to excellent customer service.
The next step would be a second call back, which I'm anxiously waiting.
Working in the place of my dreams & 50% discount. I think being
anxious is something to feel at this moment. Just pray for me that I have the job!

Personally, during this time before prom, graduation and start of college.
I plan to continue my routine of workouts but, longer; since
I have more time to focus on my self. 

So this is what I have been up to from emotions to hiring parties
to freedom!


  1. Sounds like you got a lot on your plate! Good luck...and don´t forget to breathe!

  2. Hey,
    I love reading your blog and decided to nominate you for the Liebster Award! Check out my blog for all the details on it!

