
Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Blog! & Update.

I love my new blog layout! I thought it was more than overdue for something new, I tried making my blog look fancy on my own but, I didn't know what I was doing. & in a few small weeks..Ta-Dah! This is the new Journal of a Young Designer! But, I have to thank Hannah who did this amazing work. If you want a professional touch to your blog without burning your budget, check out Simply You Designs by Hannah. My favorite touches of my blog are the social network buttons and my blog button. Recently I have branched out to other networks; if my blog interests you  & you want to keep up be sure to follow me there too; plus I follow back because, I love my followers. Also I was wondering if you lovelies could grab my blog button; if my blog interests you. This blog button is all new to me but, if you grab my button & you have one on your blog. Let me know I will add you to my friends list. & with me I jumped back into school mode and on top of school, figuring out what has to be done for college. So finishing highschool, beginning college and planning a benefit fashion show for a school in Cambodia. 


1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks so much for putting my button on your blog :) I put yours on mine, but do you have a smaller size that would fit my blog better? Preferably 200 x 100? If you could email it to me, I would really appreciate it!

    peacelovebooks5 (at) aol (dot) com

    -Jessica (Sew In Love)
