
Sunday, December 23, 2012

For the Kiddos.

You guys may have read that over the summer, I was apart of
a youth summit about philanthropy. From that summit the goal
was to implement awareness through the community in a project.
As you may know I love everything fashion!
So I went through to plan a benefit fashion show to
not only raise awareness about a school we are helping in
Cambodia but, yet raise money to help with what they need.
We are helping the Liger Learning Center in Cambodia,
that has little necessities to live a basic fulfilled life.

Here's just one of the five I'm helping. 
Clean Water.


Allowance for Good. Teaches youth about
what it means to be a young catalyst.
Want to learn more? Click below.

Want to learn more about the center? Click below.

So here we go, probably the longest yet rewarding project.
Within the 3 months time, I had; which I regretted because,
I had much more time. I managed to lock in a location.
Then, at the last minute maybe about 3 weeks before the show which,
was November 30 - I found a clothing shop to sponsor us for
clothes. I spent hours in the shop putting together 2 looks for 6 models.
With getting the clothes set, I had to figure out how I would educate
the audience. Since I couldn't do a power point, I made colorful
posters; with the topic, problem and the solution. To let people
know how they can help. With that I typed up what I would say,
so I wouldn't freak out, make a playlist, run through the looks with
the models, set up, do the show and return the clothes in there
original shape the next day. So here's photos from it all..

The Work.
Flyers around town.
Poster Making.
Finished Posters.
The Looks.
From Plato's Closet.

The Models.
Making a difference.

Models again.
With the only boy model.
Getting boys to do a fashion show is hard.

 The Statistics.
Why I do what I do.

I'm happy because, it's show time & after sleep time.

Wonderful People.
The Founder & Development

The Fashion Show.
The Looks.
Educating the Community.
Hard work pays off.
Friends & Models.
Hard work.
With the late nights, tons of coffee, sweat, tears & dedication.
I had a minimum goal of raising $25 but, I wanted to raise more regardless.
I raised over $200!!

 Also Season Greetings from not me but, Allowance for Good!

Hope I can inspire others to join.
The smallest step matters.


  1. This is great! Incorporating something you love, like fashion, into a great cause.

    How would you like to follow each other on GFC? I am your latest follower and would love a follow back :)

  2. you are doing something amazing! the kids in Cambodia must be very thankful.

    Btw, thank you for stopping by my blog, and sharing kind words.
